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Dynamic Remarketing

made easy with a simple plug in


Do you actually know how many sales you missed?

Many of your customers only need a small nudge to close the deal

Dynamic remarketing is that nudge.  The only catch? It’s difficult to set up

SalesForReal’s app is not just a technical solution to that.  We actually hold your hand all the way through to setting up your campaigns in Google Ads. That’s every step.  And with plenty of videos so you can see what we mean.

For the past ten years I’ve been full-time advertising and remarketing for customers all over the world. I set up Dynamic Remarketing for every customer where it applied.  I know all the difficulties, I know all the hurdles.  Most of all, I know how to overcome them and run a Dynamic Remarketing campaign that gets results.

As part of our package, I share that knowledge with you.  Our app was written to meet the requirements of marketers.  We are not geeks and you get more than just the app when you purchase our product.

Paul Isaac

Partner, Sales for Real

What’s in the “box”?

The Dynamic Remarketing app/plug-in itself

Step by step setup instructions including video.  It’s not difficult anyway, but we want to keep this as easy as possible for you

How to set up your Dynamic Remarketing Campaign PDF. We share our years of knowledge to help your campaign perform as well as possible

How to Optimise Your Dynamic Remarketing Camapigns PDF. And once the campaign is running, we show you how to optimise it for peak results

Your personal code to access our email helpline


Other questions we get asked

What’s the difference between Dynamic Remarketing and simple remarketing?

Should I do my remarketing using Google or Facebook?

What’s the difference between remarketing and retargeting?

What if I just can’t do the set up?
We think you can do it. We put a lot of effort into all the setup instructions. And, frankly, if you are already doing Google Shopping, there isn’t much to set up.  However, if you really feel it’s not for you, we’ll do it for a flat $250